FREE Financial Webinars

As life changes, we all have to make changes. With our continuous effort to exceed our members’ expectations and our commitment to their financial health, we are offering free online financial webinars. If you register and attend any of the following webinars, one lucky attendee will win $25 Visa Gift Card.

Listed below are two FREE financial webinars with convenient times available to work around your schedule:

September 23, 2020 6:00pm to 7:00pm
“Understanding Your Credit Report and Scores”

Waiting on topic info and 2nd session day and time

September 30, 2020 1:00pm to 2:00pm
“Money Concepts for Teens and Young Adults”

Money Concepts for Teens and Young Adults starts by discussing fundamental financial planning concepts, like your first experience earning money, setting goals, and budgeting. The core of this booklet will then explore financial life after high school. They include options to pay for post high school education, how to reduce college costs, and budgeting once you enter the workforce. We will close with a review of beneficial credit and savings topics.